Bayou Safari: Axl Dane Volume Two Page 8
The room was filled with the moans of all three of them, mixing with the sounds and smells of sex as they were totally lost in the moment. Axl's cock was buried deep in Rosita, who was eating Winter with gusto as Axl sucked Winter's tits.
The two women orgasmed again, closely together this time. Axl fucked Rosita harder as he heard the familiar whimpers of her climax, and he bit Winter's nipples, tugging them gently with his teeth. The sensation put Winter over the edge, her peak hitting along with Rosita's.
“I want you to come, Axl, come all over me I want to see it,” Rosita said, pushing Winter to the side so she could watch herself get fucked. Winter climbed from Rosita's face, moving to her knees beside Rosita as Axl continued to fuck her. Winter started to rub Rosita's clit as she once again kissed Axl. Winter and Axl made out as he kept fucking Rosita, giving Rosita another show. She had no idea why it turned her on so much, seeing Axl with another woman, or just being with him, but it excited her beyond belief.
“Oh fuck, I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come!” Axl said, pulling his cock out and snatching the condom off. Winter immediately grabbed his cock and stroked it, jacking him off all over Rosita. Axl groaned as hot thick spurts of cum jetted all over Rosita, the first few shots going all the way to her face, then falling short and onto her tits before finally hitting her stomach. The overall tension of the day had added to the strength of his release, giving him an even more explosive climax than usual.
“Oh fuck, oh fuckkk,” Axl said, trying to ride the sensation down as the intensity washed over him.
Winter leaned down and started to lick the cum off Rosita, just as Rosita licked her lips to get the cum from them. The two women nearly fought over Axl's cum, Rosita attempting to scoop up as much as possible to bring to her lips as Winter busied herself trying to lick as much as she could from Rosita's body.
Axl lay on the bed beside Rosita, the two of them whispering “I love you” to one another only to have Winter pounce on Axl, laying her body across Rosita's as her mouth found his cock, sucking out the last few drops of cum hungrily. Axl kissed Rosita tenderly as Winter licked him clean, the two of them luxuriating in the relief of their stress.
Winter climbed onto the other side of Axl, the three of them rearranging themselves on the bed so Axl was snugly between the two women, his arms around both of them. They didn't speak for several minutes, the only sound their breathing as it slowed down to a regular pace.
“I feel sorry for those alligators,” Rosita said.
“After what we just did, you're lying here thinking about alligators?” Axl said playfully.
“Was my skin that dry?” Winter added with a giggle.
“Oh stop. I just meant alligators aren't supposed to be naturally that mean or vicious. They must have really tortured those animals to make them so mean,” Rosita said.
“Yeah, and they did much worse to the people they killed,” Axl said. “Let's not talk about it, it's over.”
The three of them lay in silence, and shortly all three were asleep.
They all got up before dawn the next morning. Axl wanted to get out of town while it was still dark, still unsure as to the local cop situation. The three of them drove to a secluded spot outside of town that Winter directed them to, in order for Axl to call the hospital.
He let Winter make the initial call until Zoe was on the line. Winter asked Axl to wait a second as she spoke to Zoe privately. Axl assumed she was telling her about the aphrodisiac they had been slipped. After a few minutes, Winter came back over and handed Axl the phone.
“Zoe?” Axl said. “How you doing?”
“Axl! I'm—okay,” Zoe said. Axl knew okay was as good as Zoe was going to be for a while, just hopefully not forever.
“Good. So did you talk to Wilson? What's going on?” Axl said, deciding to call Zoe first.
“Yeah. He broke the news to Barrett and West's parents himself. He was demanding to come out here and bring us back, but I insisted he didn't. Then he wanted to fly us home, but I talked it over with the girls and we want to drive.”
“Are you sure about that?” Axl said, thinking it was a bad idea.
“Yeah. We need a few days to process things. None of us are too shook up to drive, and we need to get Barrett's car back home anyway,” Zoe said with a catch in her voice. Axl expected her to break down, but she didn't. She was strong; definitely Wilson's blood.
“Then I'll follow you. And I'm not taking no for an answer, no arguments,” Axl said.
Zoe hesitated before speaking. “Okay, I think I'd like that. Listen, Axl, I can't thank you enough for what you did. The things they made us do. Winter told us what happened, but still--”
“You don't need to talk about it, you're welcome. I'm glad I was able to take care of those bastards,” Axl said, his temper rising. He calmed back down, realizing the Declans were no longer a reason to get upset.
“Thank you anyway, from all of us,” Zoe said.
“When can you leave?” Axl asked.
“Today, in just an hour or so,” Zoe said.
“Okay. I want you to meet me in the next town over and I'll follow you the rest of the way. We'll have you home in a few days,” Axl said. The two of them made some final plans and Axl hung up.
As he and Rosita drove Winter home, Axl explained the plan for getting the girls home.
“So, are you going to be okay then?” Axl asked Winter.
“Sugah, I'm gonna be more than okay. Especially after last night,” Winter added, giving Rosita a wink. “Am I ever going to see you two again?”
“I don't know,” Axl said, giving the only honest answer he had. Now that the business of finding the girls was mostly done, his mind had wandered back to the Diablo Defiler. That would probably make his little jaunt to the bayou seem like a vacation.
“At least you tell it like it is,” Winter said.
“Thank you for your help, Winter. I couldn't have done it without you,” Axl said. “We never did discuss your fee.”
“There's no fee. You took the Declans out, if anything, I owe you,” Winter said.
“Are you sure? That doesn't seem fair,” Rosita said.
“I'm sure. We'll call it even,” Winter said.
Axl thought of insisting she take some money, or sliding some into her pocket on the sly. He decided against it. After last night, she might think of it as him leaving money on the dresser, and he didn't want to make her feel cheap.
They had packed earlier that morning, so when they got back to Winter's they just let her out. They had yet to see any sign of police, so Axl wasn't worried.
“If you ever get back out this way, you two look me up,” Winter said.
“And if you ever get out west, you look us up,” Rosita said. The two had exchanged phone numbers, although Axl had a feeling getting Winter on a phone was difficult. She did have a PO box though, and Rosita promised to write. Axl didn't think she would, but it didn't hurt to exchange information. Axl thought a vacation spent with Winter and Rosita would be fun indeed.
Chapter Eight
The drive back home was uneventful. They had stopped twice at small motels, and for food a few times, but otherwise had driven straight through. The girls were in much better spirits than Axl had assumed. He was convinced that the death of the boys probably hadn't hit them yet. It would be a while before they were truly over what happened, but Axl had high hopes. None of them had the dead, vacant emptiness in their eyes he'd been worried he'd see. They had been through hell and were still sane. If they could get through this, they could get through anything.
Axl found out later the girls all had unusual parental situations. That explained why the parents hadn't immediately rushed to Louisiana in a mad search for their children. In this case it was for the best, as the last thing he'd have needed was well-meaning but ignorant parents getting underfoot.
Axl and the girls had split up just a few miles prior to Diablo Vista. He tailed them all the way home, but they didn't know it. Diablo V
ista was a jungle unto itself, and the last thing he wanted to do was go through hell getting the girls back home just to have some white slavers snatch them up within the city limits. The girls went to Wilson's, and from there they'd find their way home. Axl knew Wilson could handle that much, so he headed back home.
“God, it feels good to be home,” Rosita said as they walked inside. Axl smiled, glad to hear Rosita refer to his place as “home.”
“Yeah, it's a shithole, but it's my shithole,” Axl joked.
“Oh stop that. It's just—cozy.” Rosita said.
Axl checked his answering machine. There were three calls. He played them with his heart in his throat. The first two were hang ups, but the last call was calliope music. Axl grasped the edge of the desk so tightly his hands went white as he listened to the familiar music. If he'd had any doubts before, he didn't have any now.
Rosita had been in the bathroom, and walked back out just as the messages stopped playing. “Any messages?” she asked, and Axl forced himself to release the desk and stand.
“No, just some hang ups, and maybe a butt call,” Axl said. He took out his laptop and checked the news. The killer had struck again. He checked his map, and marked the spot. This time there was no doubt, although the calliope music had really told him all he needed to know.
He checked the date. He had four days. He knew those would be some of the longest days of his life.
“Anything interesting?” Rosita asked as she walked up behind Axl. He quickly closed the laptop before she could see.
“Nah, nothing,” he said tersely.
“Damn, were you looking at porn already?” Rosita said, grinning. Then she noticed Axl was tense. “Is everything okay?”
Axl forced a smile. “Yeah, I think the events of the past few days are finally catching up to me.”
“I know what you mean,” Rosita said. “I think I could sleep for a week.”
“Exactly. But let's put it behind us.” Axl knew he'd write up a detailed report for his case files later, but that was for another day.
The next morning there was a knock at the door. Axl grabbed his .357 and checked the surveillance camera that monitored the door, seeing Wilson. He relaxed and put the gun down, opening the door.
“Wilson! So good to see you!” Axl said, hugging him as he heard Rosita rush into the room.
“Wilson, you sexy, sexy man! Welcome!” Rosita said, also giving him a hug. Even though she barely knew Wilson, she had somehow bonded with the man through the shared experience with the girls. It was part pity, part empathy, and part relief that the story had a somewhat happy ending.
“Whoo, thanks for that! So when you gonna ditch this zero and get with this hero?” Wilson said, pointing to show Axl as the zero and himself as the hero.
“Soon enough,” Rosita said with a wink.
Axl just shook his head and grabbed all three of them a beer. It was three in the afternoon, but to Axl that was close enough to five. They all took a seat in the small living room.
“I just came by to thank you. The girls are all back home, and they're doing better than I thought they would. The boy’s parents are the ones really suffering. I can't imagine what they're feeling,” Wilson said.
“Yeah, that's not something you ever really get over,” Axl said.
“Those girls seem quite smitten with you, Axl. They kept talking about you, and they get this look in their eyes. They start licking their lips, and kinda shuffling as if they can't stand still. I've been around long enough to know when girls are getting excited, even if it’s not because of me,” Wilson said.
Axl laughed. “I did rescue them, I guess that could make me appear pretty irresistible in their eyes.”
“Don't get any ideas, Zoe is my granddaughter after all,” Wilson said. “And those other two, well, I have my eyes on them.” Wilson wiggled his eyebrows to show he was joking.
“I saw those girls, don't you worry, I'll be sure Axl keeps his distance,” Rosita said, winking.
“Now hang on! Those girls just went through some trauma. They may need some guidance from an older, stronger male figure,” Axl said, grinning and going along with the joke.
“Yeah, keep it in your pants, Dr. Phil,” Rosita said. All three of them shared a laugh. It was the deep, hard laugh people have when something really terrible has happened, but has now passed.
“Seriously, Axl. Thank you. That girl is my world. If anything had happened to her--” Wilson said, his lips trembling.
Axl patted his shoulder. “Hey, she's safe. And the odds of something like that happening to her again? You know it won't. Don't worry about it, I owe you more than I can ever repay you anyway.”
“No, we still need to talk about paying you,” Wilson said, standing up to indicate it was now time to talk business.
“No, I can't take your money and you know it,” Axl said. He had been dreading this. Wilson was too proud to take charity, but Axl didn't want his money. He truly did owe Wilson more than he could ever repay.
“I'm not listening to that. You travelled a long way, so there's the matter of the mileage charge. Plus your expenses along with your daily rate,” Wilson said, adding it all up in his mind. He knew too much about the business for Axl to try to bullshit him.
Then Axl had an epiphany. “You know, Wilson, I never did give you a dime on those finder's fees I owe you.”
“Nah, don't mention it,” Wilson said, still doing his mental calculations.
“No, if you pay me for this job, I'm paying you your fees. And damn, going back ten years or so. That's a lot of change,” Axl said, knowing he'd won.
Wilson smirked at him, realizing he'd been checkmated. “Fine. We're even now.”
Axl knew Wilson had done too much for him for them to ever truly be even, but he didn't feel like arguing.
Wilson finished the rest of his beer. “I have to get going, I've got water aerobics in an hour.”
“Water aerobics?” Axl asked.
“Oh you leave him alone,” Rosita said. “I think it's a great idea.”
“Yeah, and that instructor is a co-ed and she wears these tiny bikinis,” Wilson said. Rosita frowned, regretting having backed him up.
“See you all later. And thanks, again,” Wilson said, hurrying out.
The next few days passed rapidly for Axl, and the big day arrived. He hadn't told Rosita, and there was probably no one else in the area who'd remember.
“Rosita, I have something I have to do tonight,” Axl said.
“Oh? A job? Want me to come?” Rosita said.
“No, this one is dangerous. I want you to wait here for me. If I'm not home by daylight I want you to call Wilson and tell him to check dropbox Y. That's very important, dropbox Y.”
Rosita frowned. “I can do that, but this sounds bad. What's going on Axl?”
Axl debated on how much to tell her. She deserved to know at least some of it.
“I'm going after the Defiler,” he said.
Rosita's jaw dropped. “Alone? Axl, you can't! He's a psycho!”
“I have to. This isn't open for debate,” Axl said, his tone firm.
Rosita opened her mouth to argue, but stopped. She knew she couldn't stop him anyway. “Just be careful,” she said.
“When am I not careful?” Axl said.
Axl waited quietly on the carousel at the Diablo Vista Amusement Park. He fingered the necklace he was wearing. He had debated wearing it tonight, but something about it felt right. He was at the last place he had marked on his map, and he knew tonight was the night. The place had closed down years ago. At first there had been a security guard on duty at night, but eventually even the guard was dropped. The gate had been padlocked and the place long forgotten. It had been easy for Axl to break in.
This amusement park was the site of the happiest day of Axl's childhood. His birthday, as a matter of fact. The same day as today.
He sat on the carousel, his .357 cradled in his palm. He hadn't brought any other weapons.
He knew this was all he'd need. There was still this crazy thought in the back of his mind that maybe he was wrong about this. That maybe the Defiler wasn't who he suspected. Then he saw the figure moving towards him, the shambling gait giving him no doubt about the killer's identity.
This man had butchered people, killed them like they were animals. Hell, worse than animals, as even animals died more humanely than those victims had. Axl felt his palm sweating as he tightened his grip on the pistol, the figure moving closer.
Axl had made no effort to hide, and instead, sitting in plain sight in the bright moonlight as the killer approached. The Defiler was only a few feet away, and he stopped.
Axl looked up into the killer's eyes, seeing a familiar face. The Defiler had yet to acknowledge Axl's presence, choosing instead to just stare at him with disdain.
Axl finally stood to face the killer, and spoke.
“Hello, Dad.”